My boys love dirt. Well what boy doesn't? Their mama loves dirt, and well, we all love this book. I Love Dirt is authored by Jennifer Ward, who is also the author of another of our favorite kids books, There Was A Coyote Who Swallowed a Flea.
However, unlike her other books, this time she offers simple lessons and ways to help parents experience nature with their children.
6 Reasons We Love I Love Dirt!
- Great activities with instructions that are simple and clear.
- Beautiful illustrations.
- Activities included work for a wide age range of children.
- It is organized by seasons, making it easy to find activities that work not matter what time of the year it is.
- This book is a great size and easily fits into a backpack or nature pack.
- The author includes questions and answers as a way to take each activity a step further (ideal for families with older and younger children both).
Check it out!