Stacy sent in this photo of blue skies and sunshine from her home in Florida. Beautiful blue sky and actual green plant life. Sigh.
Sparklee lives in the Rocky Mountains where they've had some snow, although maybe not as much as we've had here in the Northeast.
Anne sent in this photo from the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Certainly some snow, but you can still see the trees and even a bit of bare earth here and there. I'm assuming we have ground under all the snow here in Vermont, but no longer have any proof.
This picture courtesy of se7en, who lives in Cape Town, South Africa. Yes, that's right. There is an entire half of the planet where it isn't winter at all.
Fellow TMG contributor Nancy sent me this picture of the wet, heavy snow that fell in her corner of the world. Nancy also mentioned that they had thundersnow in the D.C. area during the last big storm that rolled through. Do you know about this? Thundersnow is essentially a rare type of thunderstorm where instead of rain falling, it snows. I heard about thundersnow for the first time about a week ago from someone here in Vermont and then Nancy told me about their thundersnow just a few days later. I will admit to being a little jealous, because it sounded very dramatic and exciting.
Anyway, I got my chance to experience it first hand when a huge snowstorm arrived here last night, complete with booming thunder, lightning so bright it lit up the house and woke me up, and a foot of snow. Pretty cool, actually. Oh, except for shoveling all that snow this morning.
Here's hoping that wherever you are, the weather is just right!
--- Annie